>> Friday, June 20, 2008

On Sunday we escaped from our world in Mesa. We got out of the heat, left our summer activities, no work for Wayne, got away from friends, left our worries behind ,and went to the mountains. I love having Wayne and my kids all to myself. We have had so much family time. The girls have been reading, learning to sew, playing cards, and sleeping in. My boys have been enjoying play outside in the cool weather and being with dad. I really needed the rest and quiet time. As I am getting closer to having my baby, I am getting very uncomfortable. The Dr. told me to slow down so I don't have this baby too soon. It has been so nice to have Wayne slow down. He is a very busy guy. It has been so great to have his full attention. He has been going for walks in the morning, playing with the kids, taking naps, reading and working in the yard. My family gave me a great birthday day yesterday. They always know just what to do for me. Just a few more days and back to the real world.


Cassie and Chad June 20, 2008 at 6:29 PM  

Happy happy Birthday!! I hope you enjoy yourself at your cabin! It sounds WONDERFUL!!!

Terese Hamilton June 20, 2008 at 11:32 PM  

Happy Birthday!! I wanted to call you yesterday but realized I didn't have your cell phone number (I need to get that). Hope your day was GREAT!!

And what's with the comment about "got away from friends"?:)

Anne June 21, 2008 at 3:31 PM  

Happy birthday! I'm glad it's been a nice relaxing week.

Andrea June 22, 2008 at 8:51 PM  

Happy Late Birthday! I hope your time away was wonderful! Are you going to Aspen Groves this year again?

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